23855 02972, 6974 140 557 kotsios.lazaros@gmail.com 2 Makedonomachon Avenue, PO Box 53100, Florina


2 Makedonomachon Avenue,
PO Box 53100, Florina


23855 02972,
6974 140 557




Δασικές Μελέτες

Forestry Research

The term Forest Research encompasses a wide range of research related to the management, preservation and improvement of forest ecosystems. They include research in various areas such as mountain hydrology and anti-erosion measures, forest management and fire...

Περιβαλλοντικές Μελέτες

Environmental Research

In the construction of any project, Environmental Impact Assessments (Environmental Studies) are a separate and often necessary component. In order to conduct a comprehensive and detailed preliminary analysis and assessment of the environmental...

Δασικοί Χάρτες & Αντιρρήσεις

Forest Maps & Objections

Forest Map is a term used to describe the mapping of forest and grassland areas based on the photographic interpretation of historical and recent aerial photographs. Once completed and approved, these maps are made available electronically to inform all stakeholders with a legal interest in the...

Ειδικές Οικολογικές Μελέτες

Special Ecological Research

Special Environmental Assessments (S.E.As) are assessments that identify potential negative impacts on the environment for proposed projects. These assessments are carried out for projects with significant impacts on the environment, such as the construction of large infrastructure or...

Ειδικές Ορνιθολογικές Μελέτες

Special Ornithological Research

The purpose of Special Ornithological Studies (S.A.R) is to provide decision makers with accurate and up-to-date information on the potential impacts of a proposed project on bird populations and their habitats. This information...

Μελέτες Δασικής Οδοποιίας

Forestry Road Construction Research

Forestry road researches are an essential aspect of sustainable forest management. Road construction in forested areas can have a significant impact on the environment, including soil erosion, hab...

Διαχειριστικές Μελέτες

Management Research

Management studies related to forests and natural environments refer to a wide range of assessments aimed at understanding how natural resources are used and identifying opportunities for their sustainable management. These researches...

Μελέτες Αναδασώσεων

Forest Revival Research

Reforestation studies are necessary to restore degraded or deforested areas, improve biodiversity and mitigate climate change. Successful reforestation requires careful planning, monitoring and evaluation to...

Φυτοτεχνικές Μελέτες

Phytotechnical Research

Phytotechnical researches are an essential component of urban planning and landscape architecture. These studies include the analysis of plant species, soil conditions and topography to...

Τεχνικές Εκθέσεις Φωτοερμηνείας

Photo Interpretation Exhibitions

Photo Interpretation Technical Report is a study that uses aerial photographs or satellite imagery to locate and identify features in a space and to prove the presence or absence of those features or to determine the location and

Έργα Πρασίνου

Greenery Works

Green projects refer to initiatives that aim to promote sustainable development by integrating nature into urban landscapes. These projects can include urban parks, green roofs, green walls, community gardens and sustainable
